Welcome to The American Downtown Revitalization Review -The ADRR



AUG 25
JUL 11
JUN 11

ADRR Panel Discussions on Critical Issues, Problems & Opportunities

Partner Organization:Downtown Colorado Inc

Panelists:Michael Berne, MJB Consulting; Paul Levy, Center City District, Philadelphia; David Milder, DANTH, Inc; Terri Takata-Smith,Downtown Boulder Partnership

As we consider the future of downtowns, it is of growing importance to have a proper understanding of downtown functional districts. There is an increasing need for them to become more functionally diverse, but that will require an understanding of the array of economic functions upon which a downtown can be sucessfully based, where they should be located, how they should relate to each other, and how they should be packaged in the buildings that contain them. Join Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) as we explore the future of multifunctionality in our downtowns in partnership with the American Downtown Revitalization Review (ADRR) to present a webinar panel with Micheal Berne, MJB Consulting, Paul Levy, Center City District, Philadelphia and David Milder, DANTH, Inc. moderated by Terri Takata-Smith, Downtown Boulder Partnership.


You can register for this free webinar by clicking this link REGISTER

Michael J. Berne, President, MJB Consulting

Michael is one of North America’s leading experts and futurists on urban and Downtown/Main Street districts as well as the retail industry more generally. As the Founder and President of the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City-based MJB Consulting, Michael has amassed more than twenty years of experience in conducting retail market analyses, devising tenanting strategies, and spearheading implementation efforts across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., including a number of assignments on the Front Range. Michael is a regular presenter and keynote speaker at industry conferences, including those of the International Downtown Association (IDA), the National Main Street Center, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the American Planning Association (APA) and the Urban Land Institute (ULI), among others. He teaches courses for the IEDC and has lectured at both Penn and UC Berkeley. In addition to his widely followed “Retail Contrarian” blog, Michael has penned numerous articles for ULI’s Urban Land, written pieces for CNU’s Public Square and Dow Jones & Co.’s MarketWatch as well as authored a chapter for the book “Suburban Remix: Creating the Next Generation of Urban Places.” He has participated in several ULI panels and served two terms on IDA’s Board of Directors, including a stint as Vice Chair of its Executive Committee

Paul R. Levy, Chairman of the Board, Philadelphia’s Center City District

Paul was the founding chief executive of Philadelphia’s Center City District (CCD) and served in that capacity from January 1991 to December 2023. He now serves as the chair of the CCD board and the executive director of the Center City District Foundation, raising funds for CCD special projects and is continuing to manage two major capital projects of the District

The CCD is a business improvement district with a $31 million annual operating budget, which supplements municipal services with programs for security, hospitality, cleaning, place marketing and planning, business retention and attraction for the central business district of Philadelphia. The CCD has also financed and carried out $160 million in streetscape, lighting and façade improvements, including the transformation of four downtown parks that are now managed and programmed by the CCD (www.centercityphila.org).

He has consulted with a broad range of North American, European, Australian and Japanese cities on downtown and town center management

He serves on the board the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau. He also teaches in the graduate City Planning Department of the University of Pennsylvania and holds a Masters and Ph.D. from Columbia University.

N. David Milder, President, DANTH, Inc., and Founding Editor of The ADRR.

David has completed leading edge work on downtown central social districts and functions, arts districts, multichannel retailing, downtown fear reduction, as well as numerous retail assessments and downtown revitalization strategies for clients such as: Meredith, NH; Maplewood, NJ; West New York, NJ;  the City of Gering, NE; the Village of Sherwood, WI;  the Morristown Partnership (NJ); the Long Island City Partnership (NY); the Grand Central Partnership and4th Street  Partnership in Manhattan; Jamaica Center, NY, and the City of Peoria, AZ. Since 1990, when many experts felt downtowns could no longer be successful retail locations, David has formulated numerous niche-based retail revitalization strategies that have stimulated growth in communities across the nation. He is the author of three books on crime and downtown economic development, downtown niche revitalization strategies, and downtown business recruitment, as well as numerous articles on Central Social Districts and functions, and increasing downtown functional diversity.


Terri Takata-Smith, VP of Marketing & Communications, Downtown Boulder Partnership

Terri is an experienced marketing and PR strategist with nearly two decades on the Downtown Boulder team. She specializes in developing and implementing comprehensive marketing/promotional campaigns and communication plans. Terri is a 2020 International Downtown Association (IDA) Emerging Leader Fellow and received IDA’s Leadership in Place Management (LPM) certification in 2022. She currently serves on the board of directors for Downtown Colorado, Inc. and Visit Boulder.